Auresia “Rising” MUSIC VIDEO RELEASE and MEDIA TOUR by New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Latin America and Paris!

Auresia “Rising” MUSIC VIDEO RELEASE and MEDIA TOUR by New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Latin America and Paris!

Releasing her 5x nominated self- titled debut in 2008, she is currently working on her sophomore album “Dangerous in Love” (working title). This record will include track(s) co-written by Omar Martinez (co-writer of Justin Bieber’s song, Pray), and tracks produced by Nelly Furtado's producers. Nominated for Favorite World Artist at The 2010 Annual Independent Music Awards! and 4 Awards at the 2009 Canadian Reggae Music Awards.

Nominated for Favorite World Artist at The 2010 Annual Independent Music

Awards! and 4 Awards at the 2009 Canadian Reggae Music Awards

AURESIA pronounced ** or-ESH-a**

 Nominated for Favorite World Artist at 2010 Independent Music Awards!

 Nominated for 4 Canadian Reggae Music Awards! (Top Newcomer, Top Singer, Top Album, Top Producer)

 Spotlighted “Artist of the Week” on CBC Radio 1, Home Run.

“If there ever was a time, since Bob Marley, where Reggae could actually penetrate popular music, Auresia definitely has the potential to do it”, Duke Eatmon, CBC Radio 1, Home Run.

“…it's obvious that Auresia is a talent worth watching”--- David Dacks, Exclaim!


Exploding onto the global musical scene with musical roots as diverse as the modern globalized audience, Auresia is poised to take the international market by storm. Taking inspiration from Montreal’s unique pop sensibilities, the soul of Reggae, with her vast worldly flavors, she remains grounded in the best parts of her musical tradition while keeping herself free to innovate and inspire. A singer, songwriter and guitarist out of Montreal, she was nominated for Favorite World Artist at the 2010 Independent Music Awards and for 4 Awards at the Canadian Reggae Music Awards.

Born in Edmonton of Ukrainian decent, Auresia has been singing and charming audiences from the age of three. Her style is a new breed of Reggae for the urban soul; deep roots rhythms swathed in Auresia’s sweet and haunting voice. Through her intricate melodies, beautiful harmonies, a combination of world, Caribbean, soul, r&b, pop flavours and eco conscious lyrics; it’s evident that Auresia’s sound is diverse.

Auresia's show is high-energy and positive while still captivating the audience with her meditative vocals. After years of performing in US, Jamaica, Europe, and after touring Canada from East to West (26 dates in 2009 Canada Roots Tour and 24 dates on her 2010 Summer Canada Love Tour), Auresia has developed a strong global fan base. She is scheduled to perform more internationally later this Fall and Winter in Europe, Jamaica, Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Argentina with the release of new singles and videos: “Quiero Bailar” and “ Fuel Up (on Love)” this Spring/ Summer 2011.

Auresia has played Montreal and Ottawa Int’l Reggae Fests, Toronto Rastafest and Sistah Fest, Koots Roots, Cortes Arts Festivals in BC, the Queens of Reggae series and also has graced the stage at various Clubs in Western Europe and in Jamaica. She has shared the stage with Kymani Marley, Sister Nancy, Tanya Stephens, Sugar Minott, Sanchez, Shaggy, Queen Ifrica, Tony Rebel, Clinton Fearon, and Canadian favorites’ Ibo & Kindread and Kali & Dub Inc.

(Auresia Bio Cont… Pg 2.)

Releasing her 5x nominated self- titled debut in 2008, she is currently working on her sophomore album “Dangerous in Love” (working title). This record will include track(s) co-written by Omar Martinez (co-writer of Justin Bieber’s song, Pray), and tracks produced by David Beatty (Producer of Nelly Furtado’s, Folkloric album); all to be released later this Summer!


‘Auresia’-self-titled album, released November, 2008

"This Montreal singer's debut is a thoroughly captivating disc, with more inventive hooks and melodic touches than most roots albums. When it all comes together on majestic tracks like the Augustus Pablo-flavoured "Jah Goddess" and the heartfelt and focused tribute to her mother, "Echoes of Fall," it's obvious that Auresia is a talent worth watching. Every track on this album is deep and delicious, with bass sweetness and dub-informed production." -- David Dacks, Exclaim! Feb/March 2009

“Montreal has produced an artist who can run the range of Jamaician influence- Auresia. Tunes like “Give a Little Time” and “Jah Goddess” are emblematic of Auresia’s golden-era styled reggae, reaching back to the 1970’s, melodica and all- though she adds in a little contemporary influence, her sweet, soft voice becoming a little less so on a track like “What is Right.” A competent debut from a talented artist who knows how to combine a folk-driven style with the roots of reggae.” 8/10 – Erin MacLeod, Montreal Mirror, January 15-21, 2009.

"One of the most distinctive things about Auresia's music is that although like many singers here and abroad, she writes good and meaningful lyrics, she also has the very rare (at least in reggae) ability to compose and play the music beautifully as well. She is a consummate musician, a skillful singer and deftly uses her voice as one of the instruments in the mix. Auresia is one of the few people left who truly understands the value of non-synthesized sounds and is the first female reggae producer from Quebec I have ever heard, and one of the first Canadians this year to properly orchestrate/arrange a horn section, complete with melodica; Proper!"- DJ Chocolate, Radio DJ CKLN, Toronto, ONT

"Auresia is Montreal's own Queen of Reggae! Her combination of reggae, RnB and roots own her a style that is uniquely her own."- Empress Soul, Positive Creations Music Collective, Canada

“… a stylish and smooth reggae recording that speaks both a personal and universal truth. Auresia's passionate approach to music and life helps explain why the album garnered four nominations at this year's Canadian Reggae Music Awards…”—Francois Marchand, Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, AB

For more on Auresia, please visit 514-941-2810

You have read this article Auresia / Auresia Media Tour / Auresia Worldwide Launching with the title May 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Shakira se suma a celebración de la cuarta corona de la Champions League del Barcelona

La cantante colombiana ofreció un concierto sobre el escenario del Estadio Olímpico, para festejar el triunfo del equipo de Gerard Piqué en la Champions.

Shakira se sumó a la celebración de un nuevo título del Barcelona en la Champions, con una presentación sobre el escenario del Estadio Olímpico.

Saludando a los fanáticos del equipo en el que juega Gerard Piqué con un "bona nit Barcelona", la cantante colombiana se ganó al público con frases como "soy tan feliz de estar aquí en Barcelona, sobre todo en un día como éste que hay tanto que celebrar". Agregó que "espero haceros sentirs como en casa, porque esto es mi casa ahora".

La cantante compartió el escenario con algunos de los jugadores del equipo, entre los que se encontraba Piqué, y con quienes bailó al ritmo de su canción Whenever Wherever.

La cantante no dudó demostrar su afecto por Piqué, cambiando la letra de su canción Loca a "soy loca por mi Piqué".

No se trata de la primera vez que la cantante demuestra su afecto por Piqué, con quien ha sido fotografiada actuando en forma afectuosa. Además, la colombiana se encuentra viviendo en Barcelona, en donde tiene su nuevo centro de operaciones.

LIGA DE CAMPEONES La Cuarta corona azulgrana

La pandilla de Leo Messi

El club y el equipo han creado las condiciones ideales para la explosión del argentino

Nada se explica sin Leo, es el eje vertebrador de este equipo. Pero Leo no juega solo", sostiene Guardiola. Al tiempo, se escucha en el vestuario: "Messi ha jugado mejor que nunca". La sensación del Barça es que Messi ha hecho muchas más cosas que meter goles y, aunque ha metido más que nunca, los jugadores saben que ha escogido mejor, el sitio y la jugada, que ha leído el juego como nunca. "Entiende el juego, interpreta el partido. Elige cuando pone el turbo", asume Xavi, el primer abrazo que buscó Leo cuando pitó el árbitro el final del partido en Wembley. La Pulga es la caja de todos los tesoros, pero sabe el argentino que sin los compañeros del vestuario, nada sería lo mismo. "Ellos me hacen bueno a mí", sostiene feliz de tener una pandilla como la suya.

"Era una incógnita saber cómo competiría el grupo después de 2010", dice Guardiola

"No es complicado seguir. No tenemos excusa. Es un lujazo", advierte Xavi

"Lo de Iniesta y Xavi sí que tiene mérito", reconoce La Pulga

"Ellos me hacen bueno a mí", sostiene, señalando a sus compañeros

Buena parte de la gesta del Barcelona ha consistido en salir vivo del Mundial, competición que suele pasar factura a los futbolistas y a los equipos que más jugadores aportan. "Para nosotros era una incógnita saber cómo competiría el equipo después de haber ganado tanto, incluido el Mundial", admite Guardiola, que tenía muy presente a principio de campeonato el caso del Juventus tras el Mundial 82 . No necesitaba mirar muy lejos: el Barcelona ya vio morir al dream team en Estados Unidos el caluroso verano de 1994 y extravió la magia del Barça de Rijkaard en Alemania 2006. "Es un mérito enorme que después de ganar un Mundial hayan seguido compitiendo como lo han hecho", dice el técnico. Mientras, el grupo, en pleno, le mira y como dice Valdés, le resposanbiliza de los éxitos. "Sin Pep no estaríamos viviendo esto", resume el portero.

"No hay equipo más humilde y trabajador que este", insiste Guardiola. Para el de Santpedor, es difícil encontrar las palabras que definan el esfuerzo de sus jugadores. "La tendencia natural a bajar el tono, a perder competitividad. Pero ellos lo han vuelto a hacer y no tengo palabras para describir el mérito. No han bajado los brazos, no se han creído nada. No hay equipo más humilde y trabajador que el nuestro, que ha sido capaz, después de haberlo ganado todo, de ir a cualquier campo de España y dar lo mejor. Son un ejemplo de amor al deporte y de fair-play", dice Guardiola, que asegura estar "muy orgulloso" de los jugadores; "del primero al último, mi gratitud es eterna".

Tan maravillado como Guardiola, el director deportivo, Andoni Zubizarreta, rendido a la fortaleza mental del equipo, sorprendido por la increíble capacidad para superar los peores momentos, por ejemplo, cuando Abidal pasó por el quirófano al serle detectado un tumor en el hígado. "La mentalidad es una de las cosas buenas que tiene el equipo pero tiene más: es un grupo impresionante", sostiene Puyol, ideólogo del homenaje a Abidal. Fue el quien sugirió la idea a Xavi, que aceptó a la primera. "El gesto que define lo que es este grupo" admite Manel Estiarte. "No es complicado seguir compitiendo. Nos cuidan de manera excepcional, nos dan las claves para ganar los partidos... Nos gusta venir a entrenarnos, nos gusta jugar... Nos lo pasamos muy bien, nos divertimos mucho. Esto es un lujazo. No tenemos excusa para hacerlo mal, porque si ellos no se relajan, nosotros, tampoco", explica Xavi. "Xavi es el paradigma de la competitividad, pero mi reconocimiento va del primero al último", insiste terco el entrenador, que recuerda: "En Madrid, nos salvó el esfuerzo de Keita y Puyol. Sin él no salimos vivos". Le sobran motivos para alabar al grupo más allá de Messi: Ha sido importante Pinto, como lo fue Afellay, liderando el grupo de los jovenes, con Tiago, Fontas o Bartra a la cabeza, como aportaron Maxwell o Adrianmo, para asistir a Messi, del mismo modo que Mascherano dio un paso adelante cuando se necesitó un central de emergencia."Una de las claves es que saben que se necesitan unos a otros para superar los obstáculos", admite Tito Vilanova, ayudante de campo de Guardiola. Dentro y fuera del campo.

Sería injusto que a la sombra de Leo se esfumara el crecimiento táctico de Valdés, la aportación goleadora de Villa, el salto cualitativo de Iniesta -"es un jugador maduro", le define Guardiola- en su año más completo, la competitividad de Busi y Pedro, o la sorprendente madurez de Piqué, en un año muy exigente, en parte por las consecuencias de su relación con Shakira y, sobre todo, por la lesión de Puyol, su referente desde que regresó del Manchester United. "Su temporada es excepcional", asegura Puyol. "No ha descansado nunca, ha sido de los mejores en todos los partidos. Es el mejor central del mundo", cierra el capitán, que se operará esta misma semana. Piqué ha mezclado igual con su amigo Puyi , que con Abidal, Milito, Fontás, Busquets, o Mascherano, un alarde de talento y condición física,. También Guardiola se deshace en elogios: "Le pedimos un esfuerzo muy grande porque nos quedamos muy justos de centrales y ha respondido".

"Espero que no se aburra y que seamos capaces de que se sienta cómodo porque cuando eso pasa, Leo no falla", dijo Guardiola tras el partido. Guardiola también habló de la necesidad de mantener un entorno familiar tan ordenado como el que tiene Leo. Nadie en el Barcelona parece preocupado al respecto. Los Messi respetan todos los códigos, ajenos a cualquier intento de injerir en el equipo más allá de participar en las celebraciones. El resto es cosa de los futbolistas, un grupo irrepetible, sin los que La Pulga difícilmente podría jugar con la alegría y el compromiso que mostró en Wembley. Aunque a veces se enfurruña, es raro no verle sonreír con el descaro de Piqué o la guasa de Pinto, aprender escuchando a Milito y Mascherano, o fascinarse con las cosas que hacen Iniesta y Xavi. "Lo suyo sí que tiene mérito", ha reconocido el argentino.

Leo es feliz con su pandilla. Viéndole jugar, resulta evidente.

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U-17 Soccer World Cup: Canada drawn into Group C for Mexico 2011

Canada drawn into Group C for Mexico 2011

Bryce Alderson

Canada has been drawn into Group C for the upcoming FIFA World Cup Mexico 2011. At the Official Draw in Ciudad México, Mexico on 17 May, Uruguay, Canada, England and Rwanda were all drawn as group opponents for the opening stage.

Canada’s three group matches are 19 June against Uruguay, 22 June against England and 25 June against Rwanda. Canada’s three group matches will all be played in Pachuca, with the first two matches kicking off at 18.00 local and the third match kicking off at 15.00.

“There is no easy group (in this competition),” said Canadian head coach Sean Fleming. “All three teams (Canada’s opponents) should have great qualities.”

The FIFA U-17 World Cup Mexico 2011 features 24 teams. Sixteen teams advance to the Round of 16, with the top-two teams from each group automatically qualified along with four of six third-place teams.

The FIFA U-17 World Cup Mexico 2011 runs 18 June to 10 July. Matches will be played in Morelia, Monterrey, Pachuca, Torreon, Queretaro and Guadalajara. All players are born in 1994 or later.

This will mark Canada’s fifth participation in the event. Canada qualified after finishing second at the 2011 CONCACAF Men’s Under-17 Championship. Canada’s next preparatory camp is 19-29 May in Sunrise, FL, USA.

Group A (Morelia & Monterrey)

A1. Mexico

A2. Korea DPR

A3. Congo

A4. Netherlands

Group B (Monterrey & Morelia)

B1. Japan

B2. Jamaica

B3. France

B4. Argentina

Group C (Pachuca & Torreon)

C1. Uruguay

C2. Canada

C3. Rwanda

C4. England

Group D (Pachuca & Torreon)


D2. Czech Republic

D3. Uzbekistan

D4. New Zealand

Group E (Queretaro & Guadalajara)

E1. Burkina Faso

E2. Panama

E3. Germany

E4. Ecuador

Group F (Queretaro & Guadalajara)

F1. Australia

F2. Côte d’Ivoire

F3. Brazil

F4. Denmark

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El Match del Siglo en Wembley: Barcelona y Manchester United se enfrentan en la final soñada de la Champions League

Barcelona y Manchester United se enfrentan en la final soñada de la Champions

En el tradicional Wembley chocan dos de los mejores equipos de los últimos años. En vivo desde las 14.45.
Alex Ferguson, técnico del Manchester United, expresó que la final de La Liga de Campeones ante el Barcelona "podría ser realmente la mejor final de la década". En Wembley chocan los dos cuadros más exitosos de los últimos años, el mejor ataque del torneo y la mejor defensa. Dos equipos que llegan tras ganar sus respectivas ligas, con planteles millonarios, y que hace dos años ya chocaron por el título, que en esa oportunidad quedó en manos de los catalanes.

A las 14.45 de Chile comenzará el duelo, que además suma como escenario el tradicional Wembley. "Es la final soñada por los hinchas", dijo Víctor Valdés, arquero de Barcelona.

"Cuando un equipo (Barcelona) llega a tres finales en cinco años y otro a tres en cuatro años (Manchester), es que han hecho las cosas muy bien. Manchester y Barça han hecho una década extraordinaria", agregó Peg Guardiola, DT del Barça, quien agregó que Ferguson puede tener razón en que es la mejor final de los últimos años, pero que "tenemos que probarlo jugando fútbol".

Y para eso, ambos equipos tienen planteles estelares, aunque claramente la atención estará sobre Lionel Messi. Los ingleses tratarán de responder con Wayne Rooney.

Barcelona se presenta como el equipo más goleador del torneo, con 27 tantos a favor y siete en contra en 12 partidos. Mientras que el United es el conjunto más seguro, con apenas cuatro goles recibidos.

Esos son los antecedentes del comprimiso en que ambos equipos buscarán su cuarta Liga de Campeones y que concentrará la mirada de todos los hinchas del fútbol.

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Canada announces roster for 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup

Canada announces roster for 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup

Stephen Hart, anada vs Ecuador and Simeon Jackson

Canada has announced its 23-player roster eligible for the 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup which runs this 5-25 June. The Canadian team opens the competition this 7 June in Detroit against USA following a home send-off match in Toronto on 1 June against Ecuador. The team departs for USA on 5 June and national head coach Stephen Hart is expected to select 20 players for travel to the biennial continental championship.

This will be coach Hart's third trip to the CONCACAF Gold Cup, with a combined competition record of 5 wins, one draw and three losses from 2007 and 2009. In 2011, Hart will use the CONCACAF Gold Cup as a springboard to the FIFA World Cup Qualifiers which are expected to begin this fall. The 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup also serves as the official qualification route to the FIFA Confederations Cup Brazil 2013.

Coach Hart's selections come from professional clubs in North America and Europe. Three of the four Canadian teams from the Nutrilite Canadian Championship are represented (Vancouver, Toronto and Montréal). Seventeen of the 23 players have previous CONCACAF Gold Cup experience under Hart, with six players potentially new to the competition. All 23 players have competed for Hart in international matches at least once over the past 18 months.

New to the CONCACAF Gold Cup could be Milan Borjan, Nik Ledgerwood, Pedro Pacheco, Tosaint Ricketts, Jonathan Beaulieu-Bourgault and Haidar Al-Shaïbani. Borjan and Ricketts are both 23 while Beaulieu-Bourgault is 22, making them the youngest players on the potential Canadian squad. Borjan is also the newest player added to the Canadian program, having only made his debut in February of this year.

Dwayne De Rosario, Atiba Hutchinson and Kevin McKenna are all taking part in their fifth CONCACAF Gold Cups. De Rosario and Hutchinson have 14 competition matches under their belts while McKenna has 13. De Rosario is Canada's last holdover from the country's CONCACAF Gold Cup victory in 2000.

Also of note on the Canadian roster, Gerba is the country's all-time leading scorer at the CONCACAF Gold Cup with six goals. He and De Rosario are also the country's active leading goal scorers in all international matches, with 15 goals apiece (ranked fourth on the all-time list including retired players).

Canadian Players of the Year from each of the last four seasons are featured on the squad: Hutchinson (2010), Simeon Jackson (2009), Julian de Guzman (2008) and De Rosario (2005-2007). De Guzman and Mike Klukowski were CONCACAF Gold Cup All-Stars in 2009 while de Guzman was both an All-Star and Most Valuable Player in 2007. Lars Hirschfeld was the Most Outstanding Goalkeeper in 2002 while McKenna was an All-Star that same year.

At the 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup, Canada will face USA, Guadeloupe and Panama. Canada faces USA on 7 June at Ford Field in Detroit, MI; Guadeloupe on 11 June at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL; and Panama on 14 June at Sporting Park in Kansas City, KS.

As for Canada's send off, it will be the Men's International Friendly match on 1 June at BMO Field in Toronto, ON (19.00 local kick off). The match, presented by Nutrilite, will be featured live on Rogers Sportsnet (19.00 ET / 16.00 PT). Tickets to the Canada-Ecuador match can be purchased at the BMO Field box office or via Ticketmaster at 1.855.985.5000 / Group rates are available via the Ontario Soccer Association (


1- GK- Lars Hirschfeld
NOR / Vålerenga Fotball

2- D/M- Nik Ledgerwood
GER / SV Wehen Wiesbaden

3- D/M- Mike Klukowski

4- CB- Kevin McKenna
GER / FC Köln

5- CB- André Hainault
USA / Houston Dynamo

6- M- Julian de Guzman
CAN / Toronto FC

7- M- Terry Dunfield
CAN / Vancouver Whitecaps FC

8- M- Will Johnson
USA / Real Salt Lake

9- F- Rob Friend
GER / Hertha BSC

10- F- Ali Gerba
CAN / Impact Montréal

11- M- Josh Simpson
TUR / Vestel Manisaspor

12- M- Pedro Pacheco
POR / CD Santa Clara

13- M- Atiba Hutchinson
NED / PSV Eindhoven

14- F- Dwayne De Rosario
USA / New York Red Bulls

15- D- Dejan Jakovic
USA / DC United

16- M/F- Tosaint Ricketts
ROM / FC Politehnica Timiþoara

17- M- Simeon Jackson
ENG / Norwich City FC

18- GK- Milan Borjan
SRB / FK Rad

19- M- Marcel de Jong
GER / FC Augsburg

20- D- Jaime Peters
ENG / Ipswich Town FC

21- M- Jonathan Beaulieu-Bourgault
GER / SC Preußen Münster

22- GK- Haidar Al-Shaïbani
FRA / Nîmes Olympique

23- M- Issey Nakajima-Farran
DEN / AC Horsens


Al-Shaïbani, Haidar
London, ON, CAN

Beaulieu-Bourgault, Jonathan
Montréal, QC, CAN

Borjan, Milan
Hamilton, ON, CAN

de Guzman, Julian
Scarborough, ON, CAN

de Jong, Marcel
Toronto, ON, CAN

De Rosario, Dwayne
Scarborough, ON, CAN

Dunfield, Terry
Vancouver, BC, CAN

Friend, Rob
Kelowna, BC, CAN

Gerba, Ali
Montréal, QC, CAN

Hainault, André
Hudson, QC, CAN

Hirschfeld, Lars
Edmonton, AB, CAN

Hutchinson, Atiba
Brampton, ON, CAN

Jackson, Simeon
Mississauga, ON, CAN

Jakovic, Dejan
Etobicoke, ON, CAN

Johnson, Will
Toronto, ON, CAN

Klukowski, Mike
Oshawa, ON, CAN

Ledgerwood, Nik
Lethbridge, AB, CAN

McKenna, Kevin
Calgary, AB, CAN

Nakajima-Farran, Issey
Calgary, AB, CAN

Pacheco, Pedro
Toronto, ON, CAN

Peters, Jaime
Pickering, ON, CAN

Ricketts, Tosaint
Edmonton, AB, CAN

Simpson, Josh
Victoria, BC, CAN


Head of Delegation / Chef de délegation : Dominic Maestracci

Head of Delegation / Chef de délegation : Victor Montagliani

Head Coach / Entraîneur-chef : Stephen Hart

Assistant Coach / Entraîneur adjoint : Tony Fonseca

Goalkeeper Coach / Entraîneur des gardiens : Paul Dolan

Goalkeeper Coach / Entraîneur des gardiens : Andrew Olivieri

Video Coordinator / Vidéaste : Victor Mendes

Team Manager / Gérant d’équipe : Morgan Quarry

Equipment Manager / Gérant de l'équipement : Mike Moretto

Equipment Assistant / Adjoint de l'équipement : Ryan Bedic

Doctor / Docteur : Dr. Mike Campbell

Doctor / Docteur : Dr. John Philpott

Physiotherapist / Physiothérapeute : Dave Foley

Physiotherapist / Physiothérapeute : Ted Tilbury

Physiotherapist / Physiothérapeute : Paul Fenwick

Physiotherapist / Physiothérapeute : Garret Kusch

Physiotherapist / Physiothérapeute : Scott Fenwick

Heads of delegation, goalkeeper coaches, doctors and trainers will come in and out at different times

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Canada to open camp in Alliston and plays vs Ecuador at BMO Field on June 1

Canada to open camp in Alliston

Canada’s national team begins its arrival today in Alliston, ON in advance of next week’s Men’s International Friendly match at BMO Field in Toronto. Canada will face Ecuador on Wednesday 1 June in a send-off match before the start of the 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup. The Canada-Ecuador match kicks off at 19.00 ET.
Tickets to the Canada match are available through Ticketmaster at 1.855.985.5000 or There is a range of ticket price options available for the 1 June match with prices starting as low as $20. Group tickets are available through the Ontario Soccer Association ( For group tickets in the Canadian supporters section contact
Coach Stephen Hart has selected 23 players for the 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup, with 20 players expected to travel beginning 5 July to Detroit. Canada’s opening match of the 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup is 7 June at Ford Field in Detroit, MI. Canada’s three group opponents are USA (7 June), Guadeloupe (11 June in Tampa) and Panama (14 June in Kansas City).

Only part of the Canadian roster will arrive in Alliston this week, as some players complete or continue their season with their professional clubs in North America and Europe. The remaining players are expected to arrive in Toronto over the weekend as the team shifts from Alliston to Toronto on Sunday. Canada should then have its full team for training on Monday 30 May.

You have read this article Canada National Men Soccer / Copa América 2011 / Ecuador National Men Soccer / Gold Cup with the title May 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

OFSAA June Championships and Festivals: Boys Soccer AAAA in Mississauga

York Mills Seniors Boy team to Provincial AAAA Championships in Mississauga

Like last year (runner-up in 2010), the York Mills Senior Boys Team experienced a great deal ofsucces and as a result, earned a berth to the Provincial "AAAA" Championships to be held in Mississauga, Ontario, from June 2 to 4, 2011. The top 16 teams from and around Ontario, Canada, in the top AAAA classification will be represented. The sites of play are the Hershey Sportzone Centre and Iceland Centre, both with great turf and grass soccer fields. To check all the Ontario Finals, go to OFSAA website

The York Mills team depart on Wednesday June 1 and comeback on Saturday 5th. Coaches and players of the top 16 Ontario teams will have a fraternal banquet and highlights of the soccer games will be broadcasted in cable television by Rogesr Cable Television, channel 10 in GTA and Mississauga.
Sr. Boys’ Soccer Tier 1 4A City Championship – York Mills 4 (Alex Ilias, Justin Karyannopoulos, Nicolas Cordero-Ramirez, Marcus Smith), Central Tech 1 (Tristan Joseph).




2010 St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S. YRAA Kirejczyk/Leonardo

2009 St. Edmund Campion ROPSSAA Spagnoli/Galati

2008 A. B. Lucas S.S. WOSSAA Drabick/ Woodruff

2007 A. B. Lucas S.S. WOSSAA Drabick/ Woodruff

2006 A. B. Lucas S.S. WOSSAA Michael Woodruff

2005 St. Augustine S.S. ROPSSAA Neves/Bulhoes




7:50 A2 St Michael's College 7:50 B2 SWOSSAA

8:00 A4 Dante Alighieri Academy 8:00 B4 St Edmund Campion

8:10 A1 Mother Teresa 8:10 B1 Cardinal Newman C.S.S.

8:20 A3 St Jean de Brebeuf C.H.S. 8:20 B3 Grand River C.I.

9:50 C2 St Basil the Great 9:50 D2 York Mills C.I.

10:00 C4 Denis Morris H.S. 10:00 D4 Colonel Bay S.S.

10:10 C1 St Joan of Arc C.H.S.(YRAA) 10:10 D1 St Marguerite D'Youville

10:20 C3 Dunbarton H.S. 10:20 D3 St Joan of Arc S.S. (GBSSA)

Action Photo's will be taken during the games on Thursday and Friday by Lindsay Parrish Photography. Pictures will be available after each of these games and online. Click here to obtain ordering information.

FSAA AAAA Provincial Soccer Championships

Day 1 Thursday June 2, 2011


9:00 am A1 Mother Teresa vs

A3 St Jean de Brebeuf (G01) A2 St Michael's College vs

A4 Dante Alighieri Academy (G02) B1 Cardinal Newman vs

B3 Grand River CI (G03) B2 vs

B4 St Edmund Campion (GO4)

11:00 am C1 St Joan of Arc (YRAA) vs

C3 Dunbarton (G05) C2 St Basil the Great vs

C4 Denis Morris (G06) D1 St Marguerite D'Youville vs

D3 St Joan of Arc (GBSSA) (G07) D2 York Mills vs

D4 Colonel By(G08)

1:00 pm B1 Cardinal Newman vs

B2 (GO9) B3 vs Grand River CI

B4 St Edmund Campion (G10) A1 Mother Teresa vs

A2 St Michael's College (G11) A3 St Jean de Brebeuf vs

A4 Danti Alighieri Academy (G12)

3:00 pm D1 St Marguerite D'Youville vs

D2 York Mills (G13) D3 St Joan of Arc (GBSSA) vs

D4 Colonel By (G14) C1 St Joan of Arc (YR) vs

C2 St Basil the Great (G15) C3 Dunbarton vs

C4 Denis Morris (G16)

Day 2 Friday June 3, 2011


9:00 am B4 St Edmond Campion vs

B1 Cardinal Newman (G17) B2 vs

B3 Grand River CI (G18) A4 Dante Alighieri Academy vs

A1 Mother Teresa (G19) A2 St Michael's College vs

A3 St Jean de Brebeuf (G20)

11:00am D4 Colonel By vs

D1 St Marguerite D'Youville (G21) D2 York Mills vs

D3 St Joan of Arc (GBSSA) (G22) C4 Denis Morris vs

C1 St Joan of Arc (YRAA) (G23) C2 St Basil the Great vs

C3 Dunbarton (G24)


4:00 pm 1st A vs

2nd B (G25) 1st B vs

2nd A (G26) 1st in C vs

2nd D (G27) 1st D vs

2nd C (G28)

Day 3 Saturday June 4, 2011



9:00 am Winner G1 vs

Winner G4 (G29) Winner G2 vs

Winner G4 (G30)


1:00 pm Loser G5 vs

Loser G6 (G31)


1:30 pm Winner G5 vs

Winner G6 (G32)



Dave Tucci

St. Francis Xavier CSS

50 Bristol Rd. W.

Mississauga, ON

L5R 3K3

S: (905) 507-6666 x 73145

F: (905) 568-1026

Robert Tucci

Our Lady of Mount Carmel CSS

3700 Trelawny Circle

Mississauga, ON

L5N 5J7

S: (905) 824-1025 x 68159

F: (905) 824-4549

Banquet Chair:

Caroline Mallozzi

Our Lady of Mount Carmel CSS

3700 Trelawny Circle

Mississauga, ON

L5N 5J7

S: (905) 824-1025 x 68143

F: (905) 824-4549

Media Chair:

Jason Cormier

St Francis Xavier CSS

50 Bristol Rd. W.

Mississauga, ON

L5R 3K3

S: (905) 507-6666

F: (905) 568-1026



Pool A Pool B Pool C Pool D

A1 WOSSAA- Mother Teresa (1) B1 Cardinal Newman CSS (2) C1 YRAA - St Joan of Arc CHS (3) D1 ROPSSAA - St Marguerite D'Youville (4)

A2 CISAA - St Michael's College (7) B2 SWOSSAA (8) C2 TDCAA - St Basil the Great (5) D2 TDSSAA - York Mills C.I. (6)

A3 YRAA - St Jean de Brebeuf CHS B3 CWOSSA - Grand River C.I. C3 LOSSA - Dunbarton HS D3 GBSSA - St Joan of Arc SS

A4 TDCAA - Dante Alighieri Academy B4 ROPSSAA 2 - St Edmund Campion C4 SOSSA - Denis Morris HS D4 NCSSAA - Colonel By SS

Each win = 3 points Each tie = 1 point

Pool A

A1 Mother Teresa A2 St Michael's A3 St Jean de Brebeuf A4 Dante Alighieri Academy Points Position

A1 Mother Teresa 0-0



A2 St Michael's College 0-0



A3 St Jean de Brebeuf 0-0



A4 Dante Alighieri Academy 0-0



Pool B

B1 Cardinal Newman Team B2 B3 Grand River B4 St Edmund Campion Points Position

B1 Cardinal Newman CSS 0-0



Team B2 0-0



B3 Grand River CI 0-0



B4 St Edmund Campion 0-0



Pool C

C1 Joan of Arc C2 St Basil the Great C3 Dunbarton C4 Denis Morris Points Position

C1 St Joan of Arc CHS 0-0



C2 St Basil the Great 0-0



C3 Dunbarton HS 0-0



C4 Denis Morris HS 0-0



Pool D

D1 St Marguerite D'Youville D2 York Mills D3 St Joan of Arc D4 Colonel By Points Position

D1 St Marguerite D'Youville 0-0



D2 York Mills C.I. 0-0



D3 St Joan of Arc SS 0-0



D4 Colonel By SS 0-0




Sr. Girls’ Soccer Tier 1 4A City Championship - Lawrence Park 1 (Amiya Taylor-Walters), Etobicoke 0;  Sr. Boys’ Soccer Tier 1 4A City Championship – York Mills 4 (Alex Ilias, Justin Karyannopoulos, Nicolas Cordero-Ramirez, Marcus Smith), Central Tech 1 (Tristan Joseph); Sr. Girls’ Soccer Tier 1 3A City Championship - Sir Oliver Mowat 1 (Maise Rasheed, SO-Heather Casey), Silverthorn 0; Sr. Boys’ Soccer Tier 1 3A City Championship – Silverthorn 2 (Misel Klisara 2), Lawrence Park 1 (Peter Tzemis) in OT.


Mon - Wed, May 30 - June 1

Rexall Centre, Toronto

Boys' A/AA Field Lacrosse (Festival)

Tues - Wed, May 30 - June 1


Boys' AAA/AAAA Field Lacrosse (Festival)

Thurs - Fri, June 2 - 3


Girls' A/AA Rugby

Mon - Wed, May 30 - June 1


Girls' AAA/AAAA Rugby

Mon - Wed, May 30 - June 1


Boys' A/AA Rugby

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Boys' AAA/AAAA Rugby

Wed - Fri, June 1 - 3


Track & Field

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Girls' A Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 3 - 4


Girls' AA Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Girls' AAA Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Girls' AAAA Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Boys' A Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Boys' AA Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Boys' AAA Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Boys' AAAA Soccer

Thurs - Sat, June 2 - 4


Boys' Baseball

Thurs - Fri. June 2 - 3

East Regionals - Durham

West Regionals - Toronto

Finals, Tues - Wed, June 7 - 8


You have read this article Alex Ilias / Justin Karyannopoulos / Marcus Smith / Nicolas Cordero-Ramirez / North York Hearts / Ontario Provincial AAAA Soccer Championships / Toronto City Soccer Champions / York Mills Collegiate with the title May 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Champions League 2011 final: Barcelona vs Manchester United

Tonight Champions League final will be watched by 160 Million fans around the world and will be contested by the two top teams from the world’s two top leagues.

The Champions League Final shouldn’t happen any other way, the top team in England facing the top team in Spain, the two strongest leagues in world football lead by two of the game’s most historic clubs. Both Manchester United and Barcelona stand on the precipice of a fourth European Cup having fought long domestic seasons which saw them both claim their respective league titles. This year’s Champions League Final will be elite.

Much of the talk going into tomorrow’s final has been on Barcelona’s playing style and whether Manchester United will be able to cope with it better than they did in 2009 when goals from Samuel Eto’o and Lionel Messi secured a relatively simple 2-0 victory for the Spanish side. A selection of high-profile commentators have called on United to close out the early stages of the game, focusing entirely on their defensive duties, but only Arsenal have beaten both sides this season and despite having very little possession in the first half against Barcelona, didn’t alter their game drastically to run out 2-1 victors, capitalising on Barca’s wastefulness and early over-commitment which left them lagging late in the game. Both sides having claimed their respective league titles weeks prior to the game though, has given them each a much needed period of rest.

Saturday evening’s clash will be marked by many landmarks but few more relevant than being the final game of Manchester United’s dominating goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar’s incredible career. van der Sar, who turns 41 in October had considered a u-turn in his retirement plans following an absolutely stunning end of season run but decided this will indeed be his last season as a player, following spells at Ajax, Juventus, Fulham and United. It would be in keeping with his unbelievable career (eight league titles and two Champions League medals) for the Dutch keeper to claim the most prized medal in club football in his last match.

The UEFA Champions League 2011 Final is the final match of the 2010-2011 UEFA Champions League, 56th season of the UEFA Champions League football tournament, and the 19th in the Champions League era. It will be played on Saturday, 28th of May 2011 at Wembley Stadium in London, England. Kick off time starts at Kick off is at 19:45 BST (19:45 local time).

Barcelona vs Manchester United

The final football match is between Spanish side Barcelona and Manchester United of England, the third time both teams meet in the European Cup final. The first time was in in the former UEFA Cup Winners (1999), Manchester won and the second in Rome (2009) which Barcelona won 2-0. What team will win the UEFA Champions League 2011 Final?

Both teams entered the tournament winning three times previously, Manchester United in 1968, 1999 and 2008; and Barcelona in 1992 and 2006, as well as 2009. In the knockout stage Barcelona beat Arsenal, Shakhtar Donetsk and lastly Real Madrid in the 212nd El Clásico derby, while Manchester United beat Marseille, Chelsea and Schalke.This leads the two teams to the finals.

The UEFA Champions League 2011 Final is the final match of the 2010-2011 UEFA Champions League, 56th season of the UEFA Champions League football tournament, and the 19th in the Champions League era. It will be played on Saturday, 28th of May 2011 at Wembley Stadium in London, England. Kick off time starts at Kick off is at 19:45 BST (19:45 local time).

Sir Alex Ferguson has little concern over his starting eleven, with van der Sar’s place as assured as Rio Ferdinand, Patrice Evra and Nemanja Vidic’s [read what Nemanja Vidic had to say about the Champions League final when we sat down with him for our latest issue]. Question marks remain over which of the Brazilian twins will start at right back, Rafael or Fabio, with both impressing this season. Tactically, we should be able to gather a lot from United’s starting side, with Wayne Rooney expected to lead the attack, the inclusion of Javier Hernandez could mean an attacking philosophy. If Hernandez doesn’t start though, it’s thought Rooney will patrol the front-line alone, with a crowded midfield of Antonio Valencia, Nani, Michael Carrick, Park Ji Sung and Ryan Giggs although Nani could see his place taken by either Anderson, Darren Fletcher or the aforementioned Hernandez.

Equally, Barcelona have a fit and strong team to choose from, with the breakable first-choice back-line of goalkeeper Victor Valdes, centre-backs Carles Puyol and Gerrard Pique, right-back Danny Alves and either the returning Eric Abidal or the defensively suspect Maxwell on the left. Barca’s world-class midfield will take some breaking down for United, with the incredible passing of Xavi and Andres Iniesta anchored by the polarising figure of Sergio Busquets who has a nasty habit of play-acting on the big stage. The front three of Pep Guardiola’s team is likely to rotate throughout the game with Lionel Messi, David Villa and Pedro all drifting out of position and slotting into each others spaces as they hope to rattle United’s experienced defence.

Tomorrow’s game marks the end of an epic season in Europe which has seen Barcelona triumph over their noisy rivals Real Madrid both domestically and in Europe as well as seeing Manchester United stave off Chelsea in both competitions. There is no doubting that we will see the two best teams in the world face-off for the elite European title, but who the best of the best are remains to be seen. Can Wayne Rooney power his way through Barcelona’s technically gifted guard or can Messi trick his way through United’s tactical and physical steel? If you think you know, vote below and leave a score in the comment section

Who's going to win the Champions League?

- Barcelona or

- Manchester United

Barcelona vs Manchester United

The final football match is between Spanish side Barcelona and Manchester United of England, the third time both teams meet in the European Cup final. The first time was in in the former UEFA Cup Winners (1999), Manchester won and the second in Rome (2009) which Barcelona won 2-0. What team will win the UEFA Champions League 2011 Final?

Both teams entered the tournament winning three times previously, Manchester United in 1968, 1999 and 2008; and Barcelona in 1992 and 2006, as well as 2009. In the knockout stage Barcelona beat Arsenal, Shakhtar Donetsk and lastly Real Madrid in the 212nd El Clásico derby, while Manchester United beat Marseille, Chelsea and Schalke.This leads the two teams to the finals.

You have read this article Barcelona / Champions League 2011 / Champions League Finals 2011 / Lionel Messi / Manchester United with the title May 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Barcelona vs Manchester United: el ambiente que se vive en Londres a horas de la final de la Champions

El ambiente que se vive en Londres a horas de la final de la Champions

Miles de hinchas de Barcelona y Manchester U. se reúnen en Hyde Park, donde la reventa de entradas llega a 2 millones 700 mil pesos chilenos.

por Eduardo García Barassi, Especial desde Londres
No es un día cualquiera en Londres. El ambiente de final se respira. Todo se mueve alrededor de la definición de la Liga de Campeones de Europa, entre Manchester United y el Barcelona. Miles de hinchas recorren las calles de la ciudad inglesa, algunos para "divertirse" en las horas previas del trascendental partido y otros, para conseguir alguna entrada de reventa, puesto que la venta oficial se agotó hace varios días.

Lo curioso es que pocos caminan cerca de Wembley, el mítico estadio que recibirá el partido. Ahí sólo se ve transitar a técnicos y encargados de seguridad, que cuidan hasta el último detalle para que no sucede nada imprevisto mañana, a partir de las 14.45 (de Chile). Apenas una veintena de fanáticos, la mayoría del Barça, turistean cerca del coliseo.

Entre ellos, dos jóvenes de Arabia Saudita, Mohamad y Rahul, quienes vestidos con la camiseta de Messi viajaron hasta Inglaterra sin tener un boleto asegurado. "Nos ofrecieron dos a 3 mil 500 libras, cada una", explican los muchachos. Es decir, 2,7 millones de pesos nacionales. Por lo mismo, los jóvenes se "arriesgarán" y esperan hasta última hora, para ver si obtienen los tickets en 500 libras ($ 390.000).


Donde sí se hace difícil caminar por tanto hincha es en Hyde Park, una de las áreas verdes más importantes de Londres. Su tamaño es de 1,4 kilómetros cuadrados y ahí se encuentra, protegida por una caja de cristal, la "Orejona". La copa que mañana pueden levantar Barcelona o Manchester United. La reventa también salta a la vista en el parque, eso sí, a un precio más "accesible": 2.500 libras ($ 1 millón 950 mil).

También se pueden comprar recuerdos de la final. La camiseta oficial del partido, cuesta $ 16 mil; las casaquillas oficiales de los finalistas, $ 39 mil. Y la pelota oficial, $ 62 mil. Lo más importante, en todo caso, es el desfile de fanáticos que quieren tomarse una fotografía con la Copa. Está permitido. Es parte de la fiesta que sazona la espera final de la Champions League.

The UEFA Champions League 2011 Final is the final match of the 2010-2011 UEFA Champions League, 56th season of the UEFA Champions League football tournament, and the 19th in the Champions League era. It will be played on Saturday, 28th of May 2011 at Wembley Stadium in London, England. Kick off time starts at Kick off is at 19:45 BST (19:45 local time).

Barcelona vs Manchester United

The final football match is between Spanish side Barcelona and Manchester United of England, the third time both teams meet in the European Cup final. The first time was in in the former UEFA Cup Winners (1999), Manchester won and the second in Rome (2009) which Barcelona won 2-0. What team will win the UEFA Champions League 2011 Final?

Both teams entered the tournament winning three times previously, Manchester United in 1968, 1999 and 2008; and Barcelona in 1992 and 2006, as well as 2009. In the knockout stage Barcelona beat Arsenal, Shakhtar Donetsk and lastly Real Madrid in the 212nd El Clásico derby, while Manchester United beat Marseille, Chelsea and Schalke.This leads the two teams to the finals

Champions League 2011 final today: Barcelona vs Manchester United

Tonight Champions League final will be watched by 160 Million fans around the world and will be contested by the two top teams from the world’s two top leagues.

The Champions League Final shouldn’t happen any other way, the top team in England facing the top team in Spain, the two strongest leagues in world football lead by two of the game’s most historic clubs. Both Manchester United and Barcelona stand on the precipice of a fourth European Cup having fought long domestic seasons which saw them both claim their respective league titles. This year’s Champions League Final will be elite.

Much of the talk going into tomorrow’s final has been on Barcelona’s playing style and whether Manchester United will be able to cope with it better than they did in 2009 when goals from Samuel Eto’o and Lionel Messi secured a relatively simple 2-0 victory for the Spanish side. A selection of high-profile commentators have called on United to close out the early stages of the game, focusing entirely on their defensive duties, but only Arsenal have beaten both sides this season and despite having very little possession in the first half against Barcelona, didn’t alter their game drastically to run out 2-1 victors, capitalising on Barca’s wastefulness and early over-commitment which left them lagging late in the game. Both sides having claimed their respective league titles weeks prior to the game though, has given them each a much needed period of rest.

Saturday evening’s clash will be marked by many landmarks but few more relevant than being the final game of Manchester United’s dominating goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar’s incredible career. van der Sar, who turns 41 in October had considered a u-turn in his retirement plans following an absolutely stunning end of season run but decided this will indeed be his last season as a player, following spells at Ajax, Juventus, Fulham and United. It would be in keeping with his unbelievable career (eight league titles and two Champions League medals) for the Dutch keeper to claim the most prized medal in club football in his last match.

Sir Alex Ferguson has little concern over his starting eleven, with van der Sar’s place as assured as Rio Ferdinand, Patrice Evra and Nemanja Vidic’s [read what Nemanja Vidic had to say about the Champions League final when we sat down with him for our latest issue]. Question marks remain over which of the Brazilian twins will start at right back, Rafael or Fabio, with both impressing this season. Tactically, we should be able to gather a lot from United’s starting side, with Wayne Rooney expected to lead the attack, the inclusion of Javier Hernandez could mean an attacking philosophy. If Hernandez doesn’t start though, it’s thought Rooney will patrol the front-line alone, with a crowded midfield of Antonio Valencia, Nani, Michael Carrick, Park Ji Sung and Ryan Giggs although Nani could see his place taken by either Anderson, Darren Fletcher or the aforementioned Hernandez.

Equally, Barcelona have a fit and strong team to choose from, with the breakable first-choice back-line of goalkeeper Victor Valdes, centre-backs Carles Puyol and Gerrard Pique, right-back Danny Alves and either the returning Eric Abidal or the defensively suspect Maxwell on the left. Barca’s world-class midfield will take some breaking down for United, with the incredible passing of Xavi and Andres Iniesta anchored by the polarising figure of Sergio Busquets who has a nasty habit of play-acting on the big stage. The front three of Pep Guardiola’s team is likely to rotate throughout the game with Lionel Messi, David Villa and Pedro all drifting out of position and slotting into each others spaces as they hope to rattle United’s experienced defence.

Tomorrow’s game marks the end of an epic season in Europe which has seen Barcelona triumph over their noisy rivals Real Madrid both domestically and in Europe as well as seeing Manchester United stave off Chelsea in both competitions. There is no doubting that we will see the two best teams in the world face-off for the elite European title, but who the best of the best are remains to be seen. Can Wayne Rooney power his way through Barcelona’s technically gifted guard or can Messi trick his way through United’s tactical and physical steel? If you think you know, vote below and leave a score in the comment section.

Who's going to win the Champions League?

• Barcelona

• Manchester United

You have read this article Barcelona / Champions League 2011 / Champions League Finals 2011 / Lionel Messi / Manchester United / Rooney with the title May 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

DT de Chile Claudio Borghi dejó fuera a cinco mundialistas en primera nómina para Copa América

El "Bichi" llamó a 28 jugadores para iniciar los trabajos. El club que más aporta es Universidad Católica.

El entrenador de la Selección Chilena, Claudio Borghi, entregó esta tarde la primera nómina de jugadores para participar en la Copa América, en la que dejó fuera a cinco jugadores que participaron en el pasado Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010.

Los que no están presentes son Luis Marín, Ismael Fuentes, Rodrigo Tello, Mark González y Fabián Orellana.

El "Bichi" llamó a 28 jugadores, quienes comenzarán a trabajar a partir del 31 de mayo en Juan Pinto Durán. Después, el técnico cortará la cantidad de jugadores a 22, más un arquero de reserva.

El club que más aporta es Universidad Católica, con cuatro elementos. Felipe Gutiérrez, Fernando Meneses, Francisco Silva y Paulo Garcés, quien pese a perder el puesto ante Christopher Toselli en la UC está entre los convocados, son los valores "cruzados".

La "Roja" viajará a Mendoza el próximo 1 de julio y debutará en el torneo el 4 del mismo mes, ante México.

La nómina para iniciar los trabajos de cara a la Copa América es la siguiente:

































You have read this article Chilean Soccer / Claudio Borghi / Copa América 2011 with the title May 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!

Alexis Sánchez fue el mejor jugador de la reciente temporada de la Serie A

El tocopillano obtuvo la mejor calificación anual de la prensa deportiva italiana en el torneo 2010-11.

La exitosa temporada que acaba de cerrar Alexis Sánchez en Italia, que lo tiene en la mira de los equipos más grandes de Europa, se coronó esta semana con el título que recibirá como el mejor jugador del torneo, según el diario especializado La Gazzetta dello Sport.

El medio pone una nota semanal tras cada presentación. El promedio de esas calificaciones le dio el título al tocopillano, quien promedió un 6,73 en los 31 partidos que jugó.

Más abajo, el portero brasileño del Inter, Julio César, obtuvo un 6,54 (25 PJ); seguido de su compañero de equipo Samuel Eto'o, con un 6,49 (35 PJ); y del uruguayo Edinson Cavani, quien se quedó con 6,47 (35 PJ).

Sánchez obtuvo solamente una nota bajo 5 durante todo el campeonato, mientras que su punto más alto fue el 27 de febrero con una nota 9, luego de los cuatro goles que el "Niño Maravilla" le marcó a Palermo.

Las notas consideran a los jugadores con más de 10 partidos en el campeonato italiano.

Top Ten ránking mejores jugadores Serie A

Alexis Sánchez, Udinese 6,73 (31 PJ)

Julio César, Inter de Milán 6,54 (25 PJ)

Samuel Eto'o, Inter de Milán 6,49 (35 PJ)

Edinson Cavani, Napoli 6,47 (35 PJ)

Sebastian Giovinco, Parma 6,43 (30 PJ)

Antonio Di Natale, Udinese 6,42 (36 PJ)

Ezequiel Lavezzi, Napoli 6,4 (31 PJ)

Marco Storari, Juventus 6,39 (23 PJ)

Mateo Sereni, Brescia 6,39 (15 PJ)

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Milan 6,36 (29 PJ)

You have read this article Alexis Sánchez / El Mejor de Italia / Serie A with the title May 2011. You can bookmark this page URL Thanks!
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