ACCIDENTE AEREO DE FELIPE CAMIROAGA: No hay sobrevivientes en avión que viajaba

No hay sobrevivientes en avión

Septiembre 3, 2011 - 21:07

Lo confirmó el Ministro de Defensa Andrés Allamand. Los cuatro primeros cadáveres rescatados ya fueron ingresados al Servicio Médico Legal, en medio de aplausos.
SANTIAGO.- Habías esperanzas, pero el ministro de Defensa, Andrés Allamand, informó lo peor: la totalidad de los ocupantes del avión de la Fuerza Aérea de Chile accidentado en el archipiélago Juan Fernández perecieron inmediatamente.

"Tras la búsqueda en que participamos con el comandante en jefe de la FACh (Jorge Rojas) uno llega a la conclusión que el impacto fue de tal magnitud que debió producir la muerte instánea de todas las personas que se encontraban en el avión", anunció el secretario de Estado.

Allamand, cuñado del empresario Felipe Cubillos -hermano de la ex diputada Marcela Cubillos- confirmó que los cercanos a las víctimas ya están en conocimiento.

"Fueron informados con el mayor respeto posible. Eso significa que ellos tengan siempre la prioridad de la información", añadió.

El director ejecutivo de Televisión Nacional, Mauro Valdés, recordó que entre los fallecidos estaba un equipo del programa "Buenos Días a Todos", entre ellos su conductor, Felipe Camiroaga.

"Tenemos la tranquilidad de que Felipe murió en un lugar que le encantaba", expresó la autoridad de la estación pública.

Noticia en desarrollo

Chile air crash: There are No Survivors

A number of bodies have now been found in the Pacific Ocean after a Chilean air force plane crashed with 21 people aboard.

The plane was lost around the Juan Fernandez Islands after trying to land in poor weather.

On board was a crew from Chile's national TV station, including presenter, Felipe Camiroaga

Chile air crash: First bodies recovered from Pacific

Chilean soldiers are helping in the search

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Chile Pacific plane crash

At least four bodies and aircraft debris have been found in the Pacific Ocean after a Chilean air force plane crashed with 21 people aboard.

Fishermen and rescuers searching the waters around the remote Juan Fernandez islands found the bodies of two women and two men, officials said.

Hopes have dimmed of finding anyone alive, a top air force officer said.

The plane, which was carrying TV presenter Felipe Camiroaga, was lost after trying to land in poor weather.

The Casa-212 turboprop plane twice tried to land at the islands' airport in windy conditions on Friday afternoon.

"It seems like a violent accident that didn't leave anyone alive," Maximiliano Larraechea, secretary general of the Chilean air force, was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency.

"But we're still not losing hope and we're going to continue searching in the same way."

None of the bodies found were immediately identified.

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Felipe Humberto Camiroaga Biography

1966: Born in Santiago

1988: Began TV career as producer on Extra Jovenes, a teen-focused programme on Chilevision, before moving in front of the camera

1992: Hired by TVN to co-host breakfast programme Buenos Dias a Todos. Also started acting in soap operas

2006: Began hosting his own late-night talk programme, Animal Nocturno

2009: Co-presents the Vina del Mar International Song Festival

- In another development, the reburial of former President Salvador Allende, planned for Sunday, was postponed due to the crash.

The remains of Allende, who died during the 1973 coup, were exhumed in May in a bid to determine whether he had killed himself or was murdered. Experts concluded he had committed suicide.

Earthquake assignment

Mr Camiroaga had been flying to the islands with a five-strong crew from Chile's national TV programme Buenos Dias a Todos - Good Morning Everyone.

They had been due to film a piece on reconstruction projects after the magnitude-8.8 earthquake and tsunami which hit Chile and devastated the islands in February 2010.

A navy frigate has been sent with a helicopter to carry out search and rescue work, and a Hercules 130 plane was due to join them.

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera said that his thoughts were with the families of those on board the plane, which had taken off from the capital Santiago at 14:00 (17:00 GMT) on Friday and lost contact with air traffic control some four hours later.

"I empathise with the anguish and uncertainty the relatives the 21 passengers aboard the plane, which is presumed to have gone down, are living through at this moment," Mr Pinera said.

"This is a very hard blow for our country."

One of those on board was the businessman Felipe Cubillos - Defence Minister Andres Allamand's brother-in-law - who had also been working on post-earthquake reconstruction with the group Desafio Levantemos Chile.

Chileans gathered at Chilean national TV headquarters, with dozens of people lighting candles and praying outside the gates.

As well as co-hosting Buenos Dias a Todos, Mr Camiroaga, 44, fronted the late-night talk show Animal Nocturno (Nocturnal Animal).

The Juan Fernandez islands lie around 420 miles (670 km) off Chile's coast, and are thought to have inspired the setting for Daniel Defoe's classic shipwreck novel Robinson Crusoe.

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