CENTRAL GIRLS SOCCER LEAGUE 2012: Invictus SC Toronto U-17 takes on Collingwood tonight Monday June 4 at Earlscourt North, in a raining and cool evening. The local club has won its first two games, first 5-1 againstsVaughn B and then, last week, 2-0 over the visitors of Aurora Youth Soccer Club.
SC Toronto U-17 Girls 2012
Date Competition Opponent Result Final Scorers
May 21 U17D2 Vaughn B Win 5-1
May 28 U17D2 Aurorar C Win 2-0 El-Houni, Arbitrio
June 04 U17D2 Collingwood
Contact Information

Manager ♦ Jennifer Scott-Wood
Leagues Participating
Outdoor 2012 ♦ Central Girls Soccer League ♦ Division 17L4D1
Indoor 2011/12 ♦ Downsview Park Youth Soccer League ♦ DPYSL
Outdoor 2011 ♦ Brams United Tournament ♦ Finalists
Indoor 2010/11 ♦ Downsview Parc Xmas Tournament ♦ Champions
Outdoor 2010 ♦ Finalists ♦ John Henderson Tournament
Team News
Our team is currently looking for a goalie and players who would like to
join a competitive team with a enjoyable atmosphere. Contact Head Coach
raycar123@hotmail.com for more information on try-outs
About the Central Girls Soccer League
Welcome to the Central Girls Soccer League. We have been offering exciting girls soccer league action in Central Ontario, Canada since 1991.
We offer competitive Level 3 and Level 4 divisions. Teams from approximately 50 clubs from DRSA, ECOSA, HRSA, NYSA, NRSA, SSA, TSA and YRSA compete in the CGSL.
For more information please contact cgsl@sympatico.ca
The Central Girls Soccer League provides a platform for competitive, Regional level soccer for young ladies in the Central Region of Ontario. We are a member-driven organization that promotes the drive for excellence both on and off the field of play. As such, we would like to recognize those individuals who best exemplify the spirit of fair play, who possess the ability to balance both academic and athletic success, and who display leadership skills in the pursuit of excellence.
The award will be aptly named the Carolyn Jones Memorial Award in memory of a long standing member of our soccer community. A past member of the CGSL executive and an individual who possessed all of these qualities of fair play and the consistent pursuit of excellence.
The League will present two scholarship awards annually, each for an amount of $2000.00 (total amount not to exceed $4000.00), to players/candidates who qualify based on the following selection criteria;
- A student enrolled in Grade 12 (or equivalent) and graduating during the current season.
- A student who maintains a minimum average of 75% during both Grade 12 semesters.
- A candidate that has played in the Central Girls Soccer League for a minimum of 3 years.
- A candidate that has best exemplified the aforementioned qualities of fair play, academic and athletic excellence, and leadership skills both on and off the field.
- A candidate that has been accepted (or will be by the end of the current season) at a recognized Canadian College or University.
- A candidate that has done community service work with their respective Clubs/Districts or Leagues (reference letter required).
If the player/candidate fulfills these qualifications, their respective applications will be reviewed by an executive committee panel and 2 award recipients will be chosen. The awards will be presented at the conclusion of the U18 Cup Final each season. This award program will be reviewed annually and the CGSL executive reserves the right to make any necessary adjustments based on budgetary considerations. The deadline for submission is July 1st of each season.
Scholarship Application Our proud past recipients:
2011 Emilia H - Richmond Hill SC
Callie C - Pickering SC
2010 Samantha G - Ajax SC
Heather M - NY Cosmos SC
2009 Kaitlin C - Whitby Iroquios SC
Stephanie H - Newmarket SC
2008 Stephanie M - East Gwillimbury SC
Ashley C - Oshawa Kicks SC
Juliana B - South Simcoe SC
2007 Amanda C - Woodbridge SC
Alyssa F - Glen Shields SC
2006 Shaelyn C - Unionville Milliken SC
Shannon Z - Richmond Hill SC
2005 Stephanie H - Unionville Milliken SC
Ceara W - Newmarket SC
Rights and Responsibilities
A - Application by Club teams to play in the CGSL Regional League shall be received, in writing, no later than January 15th of each year.
B - The CGSL team fees and bonds, for the season, as determined by the League Committee, shall be paid at or before January 15th of each year.
· Any team application submitted after Jan 22nd and before March 15th will be subject to a $150.00 late fee.
· Any team application submitted after March 15th will be subject to a $300.00 late fee.
· Teams withdrawing after January 22nd and before March 15th shall forfeit the full team registration fee and bond.
· Teams withdrawing after March 15th shall forfeit the full team registration fee, bond and be subject to a $500.00 fine.
· No post dated cheques will be accepted.
· Failure to apply by January 15th may result in loss of secured position from previous season and re-entry at the lowest division of the League.
· Every team must provide a valid email address for all communications with the CGSL (including scheduling & discipline issues). Failure to acknowledge communication from the CGSL in a timely manner may result in a fine up to $200.00 and/or disciplinary action.
C - All participating clubs shall send a representative to all CGSL meetings.
· Failure of a club to send a representative to any meeting shall result in a fine of $50.00 for each meeting missed.
D - All clubs requesting membership in the C.G.S.L. for the first time are required to submit;
· a $500.00 performance bond
· This bond, or portion thereof, shall be returned at the end of the season provided the club has complied with League rules throughout the season.
· All clubs must enter all club information including contacts on the CGSL website. Clubs are responsible for keeping the information on the website current and up to date at all times.
E - The CGSL will allow 1 eligible team (per age division), from the North Region Soccer Association, to enter at “Level
3” each season.
· Eligible teams will have played in the North Region Soccer League and finished first in their respective Regional divisions.
· Where there is not enough teams to form a Division in the NRSL, then the OSA will allow 1 North Region team per age level to challenge CGSL teams per OSA Policies & Procedures 24.2.3.
F – All CGSL Members must comply with all CGSL administrative and financial directives as published in the CGSL Rights and Responsibilities. Any Member that does not comply with any of the directives below will be a Member “Not In Good Standing”. That Member cannot speak or vote at a Membership Meeting of the CGSL A Member is found Not In Good Standing if:
· There are any invoices outstanding more than 30 days, and/or,
· Club Membership Application has not been received or information on the CGSL website is not accurate, and/or,
Any Member has an outstanding bond due (including all Club, Team and Performance bonds as requested by the League).
All players shall be registered through approved OSA registration procedures in their home association, and shall be covered by OHIP, medical or similar insurance.
A - All players and team officials shall be registered at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to participating (incl. sitting on team bench) in a league or cup game.
· All players and team officials shall be in possession of OSA registrant book to participate (or sit on a team bench) and their books must be checked by the opposing team’s official(s) fifteen (15) minutes prior to kickoff, this is mandatory otherwise, no protests will be entertained regarding registration.
B - Once a player has participated in a cup game with any team, she is cup-tied to that team for all subsequent Cup rounds.
C - A team may have no more than eighteen (18) players registered at any one time.
· Only these eighteen (18) players may be named (dressed or on the bench) and played in any one (1) game.
· Any player’s name that appears on a game sheet is dee med to have played in the game.
· Any team official’s signature that appears on a game sheet is dee med to have participated in the game.
D – All team officials must be registered on the OSA roster sheet and be in possession of an OSA book stamped by the District.
· All Coaches and Assistant Coaches must be Level 3 Community Coach certified.
· Failure to register a team official listed on a game sheet or sitting on a team bench shall result in a $100 fine per game.
· In the event that the team head coach is not properly certified, the club shall designate a certified coach until such time as the team head coach becomes certified.
· A maximum of four (4) carded officials shall be permitted to be registered to a team and to sit on the bench.
· Failure to adhere to the maximum 4 officials shall result in a $25 fine (per additional official, per game).
· Technical directors may sit on a team bench as long as the CGSL has been notified, prior to the game, with the game number and name of the Technical Director. The Technical Director must be in possession of a valid OSA Team Officials book and the team may not exceed the maximum of 4 officials on the bench.
E – To make any changes to the player roster the team must register the new player with the District Association as per OSA rules a minimum of 24 hours prior to the game
· A player who is registered with a team in the CGSL will not be eligible to play in a game for any other CGSL team if she has been added to the team roster after July 31.
· A player registered to a club after July 31 will not be eligible to play in a CGSL game as a registered player, trial player or call up.
· Player additions will not be accepted after July 31, except in the U18 divisions. Any player listed on a revised roster after this date will be deemed ineligible.
· The CGSL may request, at any time, proof of player registration from the team. This proof (copy of the most current District Association stamped page in the players book) must be submitted to the CGSL within 3 business days of notification.
F - All rules and regulations, as set out in the OSA Administrative Guide regarding the signing and transfer of players, shall apply.
G - Teams may use players as ‘Call Ups’ provided:
i the player is registered with the same club (as the team using the called up player) at the recreational level or at a competitive level in a younger age group or at the same age group in a lower Division (e.g. A Level 4 player may be called up to a Level 3 team). Players from a Level 1 or Level 2 League will not be allowed to be used as call-ups regardless of age.
· An OSA registrant book shall be present at a game in order for the player to play.
· No ‘Temporary Registration Permits’ are allowed. (ie. Regional teams may only call up from lower age Regional divisions or any Multi-jurisdictional division of the same age or younger.)
· A player registered to a club after July 31 will not be eligible to play as a call up.
ii. the player has not already played in six (6) games as a call up in the current season.
iii. not more than three (3) players are playing as call ups for any one (1) team, in any one (1) game up to a maximum of the total number of players registered to that team.
iv. called up players shall not be used in a cup game.
v. if a team who wins or ties a game, fails to comply with any of the above shall result in the offending team forfeiting the game and the points be awarded to the opposing team.
· If any team fails to comply with any of the above shall result in a fine of $100.00 and possible disciplinary action by the CGSL Discipline Committee for violation of published rules.
· If both teams fail to comply, no points shall be awarded, the fines shall be assessed and possible disciplinary action by the CGSL Discipline Committee for violation of published rules.
H – Officials of each team shall receive a copy of the CGSL Constitution and the Rights and Responsibilities.
The age divisions formed by the CGSL shall be as initiated and ratified by the OSA. Ages are to be computed as of January 1st in the current year and are as follows:
Under 12 ………2 x 35 minute halves
Under 13 .......... 2 x 40 minute halves
Under 13 .......... 2 x 40 minute halves
Under 14 ………2 x 40 minute halves
Under 15 ………2 x 45 minute halves
Under 16 ………2 x 45 minute halves
Under 17 ………2 x 45 minute halves
Under 18 ………2 x 45 minute halves
*The half-time interval shall be five (5) minutes.
A – The CGSL Head Convenor shall be responsible for ensuring that the schedule issued by the CGSL is executed, and that any game requiring rescheduling, as per General Rule 7J, is rescheduled as soon as possible based on field availability and schedule openings.
· In the event of a reschedule, the convenor shall be responsible for assigning a field through the appropriate district/club authority.
· The convenor shall then notify the Referee Co-ordinator in the appropriate District, the coaches of the two teams involved, and the Match Secretary.
B - The administrator shall be responsible for collecting the game results, and keeping standings for all divisions.
· The administrator shall also be responsible for communicating the game results and the standings to the individual responsible for publication.
C – The convenor shall have other duties as prescribed by the League Committee.
D - All coaches shall be responsible for entering the game score into the website within twenty-four (24) hours of completion of the game.
· Failure to report the game score, as set out above, shall result in a $25 fine to the team for each score not properly reported.
· The administrator shall check all scores against the game sheets.
A - All protests shall be in writing and shall be received by the Discipline Chairman within forty-eight (48) hours, not including weekends or statutory holidays, of the completion of the game.
· Game points will be withheld until the resolution of the protest.
B - All protests shall be accompanied by a protest fee of $200.00 in the form of a certified cheque or money order payable to the CGSL .
C – The protest fee shall be refunded if the protest is upheld.
D – Correctly submitted protests shall be heard by the Discipline Committee.
E – No protest pertaining to the decision of a game official shall be entertained.
Appeals and fees shall be accordance with the Constitution of the CGSL and OSA Policies on Appeals.
A - Teams shall provide each player with an identical sweater with a different number on the back and shall declare the uniform colours on the team registration form.
B - The goalkeeper shall wear a contrasting sweater, which also shall be different from the opposing team and the referee.
C - i. The first team named on the schedule shall be the home team.
ii. When uniform colours are similar, the home team shall change to a colour distinct from the
opposing team and the referee.
iii. The home team shall supply the game ball, corner flags, and nets.
iv. Each coach shall provide 3 identical game sheets printed from the CGSL website.
v. Failure to comply with any of the above shall result in a fine of $25.00 to the club for each
D - A grace period of fifteen (15) minutes shall be allowed in the event that a team has less than seven (7) players at the appointed kickoff time.
· The defaulting team shall forfeit the game and the points shall be awarded to the opposing team. In the event that both teams have less than seven (7) players, no points shall be awarded..
· Teams forfeiting games, or failing to appear at a game, shall be subject to a fine to their club of $200.00 plus full officials’ fees, as per 7M.
· A team forfeiting three (3) or more games may be suspended from further play in the CGSL .
· In the event of severe weather, or other catastrophic events (ie. Environment Canada severe weather warnings) the League reserves the right to review and make fair judgment on rescheduling games.
E - In the event of a game postponement due to weather conditions or referee/assistant no show, the home team coach shall be responsible for advising the appropriate convenor within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled start of the game.
· Coaches failing to report such results shall be subject to a fine of $25.00.
F - Substitution shall be allowed only at kickoff, goal kicks, goals, your own throw in and injury.
· Piggy back substitution will be allowed on the opposing teams’ throw in.
· The referee will be advised of all substitutions.
· All substitutions will be at the referees’ discretion.
G - A team found to have used an ineligible player shall forfeit the game(s) to its opponents.
· In the event that both teams are found guilty of using ineligible players, no points shall be awarded.
· The incident(s) shall be reported to the Discipline Chairman.
· Any team found to have used an ineligible player shall be subject to a $100 fine per game.
· The team official(s) involved and their club(s) shall be subject to discipline in accordance with the OSA Discipline Policies and Procedures.
H - The coach is responsible for all her/his players and spectators at all times, and shall conduct herself/himself in a proper manner, in accordance with the Laws of the Game.
· All team officials and players shall confine themselves to the bench area, which shall be dee med to be an area ten (10) metres long commencing five (5) metres and finishing fifteen (15) metres from the centre line.
· Any game abandoned by a game official, except for weather conditions, shall be dealt with by the CGSL Discipline Committee.
· A team found guilty of causing an abandonment shall forfeit the points and be subject to discipline in accordance with OSA Discipline Policies and Procedures and be subject to a $500 fine.
· In the event that both teams are found guilty, no points shall be awarded, and both teams shall be subject to discipline in accordance with OSA Policies and Procedures.
I – Disciplinary action will be taken if a player, spectator, coach or team official is dismissed or reported for impeding, harassing or otherwise intimidating a game official, opposing coach or opposing players.
J - All games shall be played as scheduled unless:
i. at the discretion of the referee, postponement is necessary due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions.
ii. a game is postponed at the discretion of the CGSL at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled game.
iii. a game is postponed at the discretion of the parks official.
iv. a request for reschedule is put to the Head Convenor .
· Valid reasons for such a request are
1} conflict with a proven tournament commitment (proof in the form of a travel permission form signed by the appropriate District) prior to March 1 or,
2} the graduation program at school (including prom, graduation ceremonies and grad trips) - one per team - involving 3 or more players or
3} the OFSSA Championships - one per team - involving 3 or more players.
v. any team having two or more players selected for provincial or national team duty (including ID Camps) may have those affected games postponed.
· A team shall notify the Head Convenor at least ten (10) days prior to the game as originally scheduled.
· The convenor shall reschedule the game as per Convenors 4A.
vi. any team officials who reschedule a game, without the permission of the CGSL ,
· shall be subject to a fine to the clubs of $100.00 each, per game.
· No points shall be awarded to either team.
· In the event of severe weather, or other catastrophic events (ie. Environment Canada severe weather warnings) the League reserves the right to review and make fair judgement on rescheduling games.
K – All CGSL games shall be officiated by a District level referee and 2 assistant referees.
· No game shall be played without a minimum District level game official officiating the game. In the event that no game official has arrived after a 15 minute grace period, the game shall be rescheduled by the League.
· In the event that not all game officials arrive, all U12 and U13 divisions shall be played provided at least one District level referee has arrived. In all other age divisions games shall be played provided at least a District level referee and one assistant referee have arrived. The District level referee may appoint 1 or 2 people of his/her choosing to be the assistant referee(s).
· In the event a game is NOT played, the referees should not be paid from either team. If the referees are requesting payment, the referees must submit a request to the league with a special incident form along with any game sheets. Once a game has been started it is considered played (not necessarily completed) and referees are entitled to their fees regardless of how much of the game has been played.
· The home team is responsible for notifying the convenor if any game is not played.
L - A game is dee med to be complete if 25% or less remains unplayed when called by a game official due to weather or playing conditions.
M - All teams shall furnish a complete list of players and team officials on the game sheet printed by the coach from the CGSL website, showing the full names of all players and team officials participating in the game along with their OSA registrant numbers and players sweater numbers.
· Coaches must print 3 identical game sheets.
· Failure to complete the CGSL game sheet fully shall result in a fine of $25.00 per incomplete game sheet.
· These game sheets, bearing the signatures of the team officials on all 3 copies, shall be handed to the referee before the start of the game.
· The referee/assistant fees shall be paid on a 50/50 basis by both teams and shall be paid in cash (correct change), before the start of the game.
· Fees for all age groups shall be set each year in the January Executive Committee Meeting.
· In the event that one team does not show, the team at the field shall pay the full officials’ fees and shall be reimbursed by the team that did not show.
· The coach shall notify the convenor.
· The CGSL shall collect and transfer these fees.
N - Team officials shall carry the OSA registrant books, for all players and team officials, to all games and these shall be presented to the opposing team’s officials fifteen (15) minutes prior to kickoff.
· Only players participating in the game may have their names entered on the game sheet.
· Players for whom the books are not produced are dee med to be ineligible and are subject to General Rules 7G.
· If the player books are not available by this time, the game shall be dee med ended.
· The team without player books shall forfeit the game and the points shall be awarded to the opposing team.
· The opposing team official shall report this to the CGSL within twenty-four (24) hours of the game.
· The offending team shall be fined 50% of the game officials’ fees which will then be reimbursed to the opposing team.
· Failure by a team official to produce their OSA registrant book shall result in disciplinary action and a fine as per Registration Rule 2G.
· If neither team has player books, no points shall be awarded. There would be no change in the game officials’ fees.
O - A team shall be awarded three (3) points for a win and one (1) point for a tie.
· In the event of a tie in the league at the end of the season, the following shall apply in sequence:
i. the team with the most wins shall be declared the winner.
ii. the team with the most points from head to head competition shall be declared the winner.
iii. the team with the better aggregate GF – GA average in head to head competition shall be declared the winner.
iv. if still tied, a game shall be played under cup rules.
v. if more than two (2) teams are tied, a round robin shall be played as scheduled by the Match Secretary.
**Tie breakers may not be necessary if they do not affect relegation and promotion for next season.
P – The CGSL cup draw shall be held at a CGSL Executive meeting prior to the coaches’ meetings in May.
· Participation in the Cup is mandatory for all teams registered with the CGSL .
· Any team failing to appear for a Cup game shall be subject to a club fine of $200.00 plus full officials’ fees.
Q – The use of shin guards is mandatory at all ages for all league and cup play.
R – The home team shall be responsible for providing the game ball. A size 4 shall be used for U12 age division, size 5 for divisions U13 and up.
The Games shall be played under CGSL and OSA playing rules.
A. The first team shown on the schedule is the Home Team, and shall
· supply the game ball and
· must change shirts if there is a colour conflict.
· The teams home colour is as designated on the team application form.
B. All players must be registered at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to any cup game (maximum eighteen (18) players per team at any one time).
· No Call Up or guest players are allowed.
· Once a player has participated in a cup game with any team, she is cup-tied to that team for all subsequent cup games.
· Failure to comply, shall result in the winning team forfeiting the game to the opposing team.
· Failure to comply shall result in a $100.00 fine and possible disciplinary action by the Discipline Committee for violating published rules.
C. Coaches must provide Player Books and OSA Team Official Books at all cup games.
D. Game sheets must be filled out for every cup game and handed to the referee before the start of each game.
E. Each team is responsible for half of the officials’ game fees.
· These are to be paid before the start of the game and must be paid in cash, correct change.
· The CGSL pays all officials’ fees for the FINALS ONLY.
All teams shall be at the field at least thirty (30) minutes prior to scheduled kick-off.
· A grace period of ten (10) minutes shall be allowed, if the team cannot field the minimum number of seven (7) players at kick-off.
· Teams must check in with the field convenor at all semi-final and final games. Each team must present each player and team official with their OSA book in hand and all 3 copies of your game sheet to the field convenor 30 minutes prior to kick off.
F. Any team failing to appear for a Cup Game shall be subject to a club fine of $200.00 plus full officials’ fees.
G. All games are dee med complete if 25% or less remains unplayed when called by a game official due to weather/playing conditions or lack of light.
· In the event the game is tied at this time, the tie breaking rules portion of the game shall be rescheduled, not the whole game. (Lit fields should be supplied, where possible, to avoid this problem.)
· The teams shall be responsible for the officials’ fees, for any re-scheduled game, to be negotiated through CGSL .
· If the home team is unable to provide a field for the re-schedule within the requested time period, the visiting team may provide the field.
· If neither team can provide a field within the requested time frame, the CGSL shall arrange a neutral site and the teams will share the cost of the field use, if applicable.
H. Tie Breaker for all Cup Games;
a) each team to take five (5) shots from the penalty mark, by the players on the field at the end of the second regulation time, if still tied;
b) each team alternates shots from the penalty mark equally until the tie is broken.
I. Both coaches are responsible for entering the game score onto the CGSL website within twenty-four (24) hours of completion of the game. Failure to enter the game score onto the website shall result in a $25 fine to the team.
J. Discipline during the CGSL Cup Semi-Finals and Finals Tournament will be conducted within 30 minutes after the conclusion of the game in which a Red Card or Special Incident Report are reported. Discipline by Review (DBR) will be conducted as per OSA rules, however, more serious infractions will be conducted by Hearing and suspensions will be immediate.
All CGSL fines shall be deducted from the bonds submitted by the clubs. Notice of such fines shall be sent to the clubs. In the event that the bonds are depleted, the club shall replenish within fifteen (15) days of the request by the CGSL . If fines are not paid or depleted bonds not replenished, then the Club will be found “not in good standing” as per OSA rules.
A. Any player receiving a red card or accumulating three (3) or more yellow cards during the season, and any team official dismissed or reported for misconduct, shall be subject to Discipline as outlined in the OSA Policies and Procedures. Where permitted under OSA Policies, the Discipline by Review system will be used. More serious Red Card offences (e.g. Violent conduct with intent to injure) will require a Discipline by Hearing. Any Special Incident Reports received will require a mandatory hearing.
B. Any player/team official subject to Discipline by Review has the right to request a hearing from the Discipline Chairman. A request for a hearing must be submitted within seven (7) days after the game.
C. The CGSL shall publish a list of regularly scheduled hearing dates to review all the discipline reports and to hear any cases that are requested.
D. All suspensions shall be based on games within this league, except when a player is “playing up” and the misconduct report is transferred to and the suspension is administered by the league with which the offender’s regular team is registered. The District Association of the suspended player/team official shall be notified and required to record the suspension in the player’s registrant book/team official’s identification card, respectively.
E A player/team official may be represented at a hearing, when a hearing is requested, by a club or other team official provided that representative brings a signed letter from the charged party.
F The player’s OSA registrant book/team official’s OSA book shall be presented at a hearing, when requested by the Discipline Committee.
G All suspensions shall be for a specific game(s) or time bases suspension as outlined by the OSA Discipline Policies & Procedures as determined by the Discipline Committee at the review or hearing. These suspensions will be for consecutive games and will include both CGSL League and CGSL Cup Games.
H The CGSL shall notify the member district and clubs of all suspensions.
I Discipline Hearing fees are as follows:
Discipline by Review: $15.00 per case
Discipline by Hearing: $30.00 per case
Special Incident: $60.00 per case
*All above hearing fees will be invoiced to the applicable club and are to be paid to the CGSL within fifteen (15) days of invoicing.
· In the event that the accused is found not guilty, the hearing fees will not be invoiced.
Refer to OSA Policy 24.0 Team Movement Between The Amateur League Levels Of The Pyramid For Play.
All matters not included in these Rights and Responsibilities shall be judged in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the OSA.
Any violations committed by teams/clubs against the CGSL published rules shall be dealt with (e.g. forfeits or fines applied) by the CGSL without requiring protests from any opposing teams/clubs.
Amended March 23, 1998
Amended November 23, 1998
Amended November 22, 1999
Amended November 27, 2000
Amended March 26, 2001
Amended February 25, 2002
Amended November 25, 2002
Amended January 27, 2003
Amended November 24, 2003
Amended November 28, 2005
Amended November 27, 2006
Amended November 24, 2008
Amended November 23, 2009
Amended January 25, 2010
Amended March 28, 2011
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